Saturday, May 10, 2008

Team Xbox previews Ticket to Ride, Commando 3

Despite Ticket to Ride not being officially announced, it looks like they've just skipped it over and gone to the previews! Team Xbox has a new preview of Ticket to Ride!
Ticket to Ride is one of those games that's pretty simple to get the hang of, but requires a lot of strategy to excel at. While the game is certainly fun on its own merits, the competitive nature of the game lends an extra level of excitement. Working against others to build the best and most expansive railway while trying to head others off at the pass, all while trying to connect your Destination goals is a thrill.

And while the game's AI proves a good challenge for any skill level, the real fun comes in taking on live opponents in full five player multiplayer games over Xbox LIVE. Games are quick to set up and jump into, and seem to play without ever getting derailed by lag issues. As an added bonus, Playful Entertainment and Days of Wonder have plans to release additional maps and expansions to the game via the Xbox LIVE Marketplace.
Check out the whole preview here!

As well as TTR, they've added a new preview of Capcom's Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3! It's getting closer and closer to release, hopefully it's out soon.
Commando 3 takes the gameplay formula from the previous Commando games and translates in such a way as to make the most of home consoles. Players move around the screen with the left thumbstick and fire by using the right thumbstick, reminiscent of games like Galaxy Wars or (for you older gamers out there) Smash TV. Using either the right trigger or the right bumper, the player can aim and toss grenades, perfect for taking out enemy vehicles, bunkers, or soldiers ducking behind barricades.

Players also have at their disposal a limited number of special "M-Crash" attacks.
These powerful moves unleash the player's full destructive potential, instantly clearing the screen of enemy troops and causing massive damage to nearby structures and vehicles.
Check out the whole preview here!

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