Monday, May 5, 2008

GO BIONIC GO: More Multiplayer, Q&A, and Player One Podcast

Capcom have released more videos of the Bionic Commando: Rearmed Multiplayer, now with video of the players - chaps from IGN, Destructoid and other sites battling it out, complete with text commentary.

The commentary also mentioned which weapons were picked up, and statistics for characters. There are three videos - the one above, as well as here and here.

As well as the new videos, Computer & Videogames have had an interview with GRIN creative director Simon Viklund about the game.
CVG: What was the hardest decision you had to make on the project?

Viklund: That was to determine what was really bad in the original and how these things should be amended.

Well, the truth is it wasn't really that hard to determine - because I always had a very clear idea of what I thought was good and bad about the original game - but it was hard to take the ultimate decision to cut or replace these elements because I didn't know how the Bionic Commando fans out there would react.

It was kind of nerve-wrecking to release that announcement trailer back in January and wait for people's responses. I'm glad that the decisions I made seem to have been well received.
He goes on to discuss the rating of BC: Rearmed, Wiiware, discussing how developing on 3 platforms has been and more. He also would like to remake the NES classic Blaster Master.

(It's Sunsoft who owns that license Viklund, though they're not releasing games anymore, they've released a few games on the Virtual Console. Hey, if Metro 3D somehow got the ability to remake Aero the Acro-Bat for the GBA, you damn well sure can get the Blaster Master License!)

You can read the whole Q&A here!

And finally, this weeks episode of the Player One Podcast is all about the original NES Bionic Commando, as they play the game for their Game Club. Ben Judd also makes a call to their voice mail and discuss their own first time playing Bionic Commando!
For the ninth installment in our Game Club series we set our electromechanical limbs on one of the NES era's greatest action games: Capcom's Bionic Commando. Join us in the second (well, third really) segment where we talk all about it. Also: GTA IV, Mario Kart, and a very special audio unboxing. It's powerful enough to make your head explode!
Download the podcast here or join the RSS feed!

Source: Bionic Commando Website, Computer & Video Games

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