Monday, May 5, 2008

Vigilate 8 Arcade nearing completion!

Vigilante 8 Arcade is nearing completion, so says the official website. Though with a slight delay, as they explain below:
We were gunning for April and the game is is pretty much finished — we’re currently tuning, working out bugs, and making sure the game runs well online and complies with a zillion little Microsoft requirements.

Though it’s an extremely painstaking and frustrating process at times, it ultimately ensures that the game runs well and takes advantage of all the cool Xbox 360 functionality, like friend invites, rich presence, and so on. With V8 being a full-on multiplayer title, this process gets even more involved, due to all the online-related functionality. (But the game sure rocks online!)

We’ve just finished our pre-certification version for Microsoft, so we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Should be no more than 2-4 weeks now. Then, it’s up to Activision & Microsoft to find us a release slot. Our best guess is early June, but we’ll keep you all updated.
They've also just done a bunch of HD captures of the game, so hopefully we'll see some videos very soon. Though the game may be done in 4 weeks, that doesn't mean it'll be released within that time. There are plenty of games that are filling up the pipe line, plus if the N+ developers have anything to go by, games can get bumped around on a regular basis.

Still, it needs to come out sooner than later! Release those videos ASAP!

Source: - Dev Update #1

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