Thursday, May 1, 2008

Penny Arcade Adventures goes Gold, new trailers released

Hothead games have just announced that the PC, Linux and Mac versions ofPenny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One has now gone gold. Now, onto completing the XBLA version!
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One is an RPG-adventure game set in the comic-book-meets-pulp-horror-meets-H.P. Lovecraft deranged 1920s universe of New Arcadia, delivered to gamers via accessible episodic releases. Players join Gabe and Tycho, the crime-solving team of the Startling Developments Detective Agency, to combat savage enemies and solve mysteries hidden deep in the sinister heart of New Arcadia. The game is the result of close collaboration between Hothead Games and Penny Arcade, featuring distinct artwork and characters designed exclusively by Mike “Gabe” Krahulik, story and dialogue by Jerry “Tycho” Holkins, and both brought to life by the Hothead team.

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One is priced at $19.95 for the Windows, Mac, and Linux versions and at 1600 Microsoft points via Xbox LIVE® Arcade, with a rating of “M” for Mature by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board for all platforms.

A date has yet to be announced, but it should be soon. Whether the XBLA version gets release on the same date is unknown, but their website claims they are "finalizing release plans with the folks over at Microsoft for the Xbox version". The schedule for the episodic releases is also unknown. Good luck to them for the first 1600 Point game on the service.

To celebrate, 2 new videos have been released. You can view them on the youtube feeds in this post, or download the HD versions here:

- Gametrailers - Penny Arcade Game: Fight Gameplay
- Gametrailers - Penny Arcade Game: Gabe Split Up Gameplay Clip

Source: Penny Arcade Game Goes Gold, Rogue Kitchen Appliances Rejoice

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