Saturday, April 26, 2008

"Meh" preview of Commando 3 from Gamespot's On The Spot

Honestly, I don't know why I'm posting it, since it's pretty terrible. Gamespot's weekly show On The Spot had a quick preview of Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 this week. Unfortunately, it was quite terrible!

Ricardo Torres gives a poor performance while he attempts to play the game - firstly calling the name of the game incorrectly, secondly getting stuck in the first area of the beach where it's clearly set to "Monster Closet", saying that there was only 2 player Cooperative play when there is 3 player Coop, and just playing poorly in general. Wah Wah, EIC of Gamespot!

One additional note - which he was clearly much happier to point out - was the lovely "SFIIHD BETA" you can click on the bottom of the screen. I'm sure many other people are too, but Commando 3 is looking like it'll be a great game too.

Source: Gamespot's ON THE SPOT

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