Monday, April 28, 2008 - Portal was offered to the XBLA, but was rejected!

Nothing gets the nerds all riled up more than when a game that everybody loves doesn't get what it wants - and this week it was what many considered to be Game of the Year 2007 - Portal.

Now obviously in the current state of XBLA, Portal could not make it over. This is because Microsoft has a firm grip around the size of games for the service - and Portal would be somewhere over a gigabyte in size. Despite this, Doug Lombardi at Valve has come out saying Portal was denied.
"We've asked them, we said we were open to it. So it's a decision for the platform holder and how they want to make the games available and how much bandwidth they want to [allow]."
This feels like a tactic - similar to that of Ben Judd on how "Bionic Commando was unable to fit under the current XBLA size". It's a call to arms - to rile up the community itself and lash out at Microsoft for not allowing such a thing.

Hopefully it works!

Source: - "Portal was offered to XBLA, but rejected"

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