Wednesday, June 4, 2008

SSFIIT HD Remix to feature hitbox mode!

According to the Capcom USA Blog, Super Street Figher II Turbo HD Remix features a new play mode - Hitbox mode!

In this mode, the character hitboxes, which determine what is and is not a hit in the game, as well as where you can hit, can be displayed whilst playing the game, so you can see just how you can connect correctly against a player, or how you can cancel them out!

Check out more about the mode below.

Source: Capcom USA Blog: Hitbox mode?!

1 comment:

Brian Cable said...

That's awesome, and a great resource for other game developers that want to make fighting games but don't quite understand the best way to set up the hitboxes (or are even aware they need them). As well as for anyone who really wants to bring their skills to the next level in the game.

I'm definitely going to play around with that once it's out.