Thursday, June 5, 2008

EGM chats with SFIITHDR Developers

Straight out of EGM, 1up have posted an interesting interview with Long Vo - Sprite Designer and Lead Artist of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - about the difficulties of bringing new graphics to such a classic game. Here is a quick excerpt:
EGM: Which character presented the biggest challenge when it came time to redraw their sprites? Were you worried about pissing off all of the Chun-Li fans? They're notoriously hard to please....

LV: Surprisingly enough, Chun-Li turns out not to be as difficult as some of the other characters. Once we had decided to base the look off of [Capcom artist] Edayan's Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo Revival designs, Chun-Li's design pretty much stayed really true to the original sprites. The more difficult characters to tackle were the ones who underwent proportional changes like Sagat, T. Hawk, Zangief, and Dhalsim.
Read the entire interview below.

Source: - Previews: SF II HD Remix

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