Tuesday, March 11, 2008

IGN: First look at Assault Heroes 2!

The long known about yet unannounced game Assault Heroes 2 has finally shown up in a new preview over at IGN.

Blowing out the game means new and more powerful weapons, interactive and destructible environments, hijackable vehicles, improved level design and a 30% longer experience. Stages have now been added that stray away from the vertical design, creating a path that snakes in all directions. The team has also made the stages more three dimensional in appearance. One area we saw had the heroes riding on a bridge high above water, adding a sense of grandiose perspective. That water, by the way, looks very cool and is quite impressive for an XBLA game.

Check out the whole preview below, and check out this new video!

Source: IGN.com - Assault Heroes 2 preview

1 comment:

JDUDE11 said...

Wow! This game looks awesome!